The Community Adult Day Center (CADC), which provides day care services to those in our community with dementia, is hosting its 2nd Shop N Stroll event on Saturday, Sept. 24, from 11 am – 2 pm. The event is a fundraiser with a mission to not only acquaint the Downers Grove community with the services of the CADC but to also inform residents of the incredible shops and services our downtown has to offer. There is a $10 suggested donation for attendees who then visit participating merchants in the downtown area and get their lanyards validated. After they have visited at least 10 merchants, they become eligible for prizes consisting of Downtown Downers Grove Dollars.
Orange & Brew will be an official spot for validating lanyards, plus we’re making a donation to CADC ourselves. We’ll donate a buck for every full-sized draft beer, glass of wine, or can of beer, cider, or seltzer ordered for here, and 5% of all to-go sales ALL DAY!